All-things bounti SCULPT
Join Steph B as she adds the elements of control, balance, mobility, core work and alignment, with strong focus on...
Join Steph B as she adds the elements of control, balance, mobility, core work and alignment, with strong focus on...
Let’s break down your progressive bounti journey step-by-step… Bounce your way towards a better, healthier, happier YOU!
bounti BODY is a progressive 8-week programme designed to get sedentary teenagers, aged 13 to 18, up and active!
Our bounti programmes take you on a health and fitness journey, where you slowly progress and emerge as a better version...
Another amazing bounti launch! POUNCE is ‘Pilates’ with a ‘bounce’ – your perfect mix of rebounding & Pilates.
HIIT is one of my personal favourite forms of exercise - finally we’ve taken it, and added a rebounder!
Follow my tips to exercise at work...no excuses for the 9-5ers!
Meet, our most recent re-set challenger winner & beloved bounti Academy member, Angela Maud. Read all about her inspiring transformation...
Here's how to make your home workouts more fun... instantly!
Regardless of your fitness level, rest is critical for recovery. Skipping rest days can lead to fitness fatigue, overtraining syndrome...
Here are my fail-proof tips to whittle down your waistline and get that flat stomach you're after!
The bounti team is so proud to announce Boga as a WORLD-FIRST programme that blends ‘bounti’ and ‘yoga’!
New to exercise? Start your fitness journey right here with this blog...
No time to exercise? Or feel like you don't know where to start? Here, I tackle some common exercise excuses...
As a working mom of 2, Mia shares how rebounding has helped her lose weight and gain energy!
Why bounti Kids is absolutely perfect for developing bodies, and helps to support happy minds.
Here's why I'm obsessed with bounti soles and bounti socks, all day, everyday!
Yes, you can still get your workout in while we navigate our way through the coronavirus. Here's how...
Follow my top tips and tricks to transform your at-home workout space so that it's fun and inviting to train!