(BSC Dietetics, Functional Medicine, Sports Nutrition, DNA testing)


Louise obtained her BSc Dietetics Honours Degree from Stellenbosch University (South Africa) in 2006, where she was privileged to be trained by some of the country’s finest dietitians. Louise also has the IOC diploma in sports nutrition, functional medicine certificate and DNA training.

Louise is a private practicing dietitian in Cheshire, UK, and places a large focus on preventative healthcare and functional nutrition. She has been in practice for 16 years and believes in empowering people with the correct knowledge to improve their wellness and lifestyle in a sustainable way.

Louise’s other areas of interest in nutrition include: gut health and gastrointestinal disorders, inflammatory disorders, weight management, diseases of the lifestyle (cholesterol, high blood pressure, insulin resistance and diabetes), women’s health conditions and sports nutrition.

She is a member of HCPC and BDA in the United Kingdom as well as a Discovery Vitality Accredited Dietitian, a member of ADSA and registered with HPCSA and BHF in South Africa.

Consultation Location: All consultations with Louise will be done online

List of Services:

  1. Initial consultations and assessments for individuals, couples or families. This involves an in-depth discussion of your medical, dietary, environmental and lifestyle history, relationship with food, preferences and dislikes, body composition measurements where applicable as well as goal and habit setting.
  2. Lifestyle, Eating and Menu Plans. All of the above information from the Initial Consultation with or without DNAlysis testing, allows me to create individualised lifestyle and dietary guidelines, eating plans and supplement protocols suited to you or your family's nutritional requirements.
  3. Follow up consultations. These sessions are aimed at providing motivation and support, continuing nutrition education, monitoring progress both from a body composition and habit perspective, and making any changes to eating plans or supplement regimens.
  4. DNAlysis test feedback and interpretation sessions. Making sense of and turning all of the DNAlysis test results into actionable and practical lifestyle and dietary interventions. Test results including DNA Health, Diet, Belly, Sport, Oestrogen, Mind, Skin, Grow Baby, Medcheck and Resilience are all thoroughly discussed, and personalised action steps and recommendations derived from the reports are given to the client.
  5. Speaking at corporate wellness days (online or in-person), group nutrition education and media contributions.

Through an integrated approach of genetic testing, lifestyle health, dietary assessment and biochemical testing, we make recommendations and plans based on personalised food and health advice.