Are you looking to make a long-term wellness commitment? Our bounti programmes are guaranteed to take you on a health and fitness journey, where you slowly progress and come out the other end as a better version of yourself.
Our programmes cover all the bases and provide you with such a variety to choose from – whether you’re a fitness newbie looking to get into rebounding with the bounti Beginners' Programme or you're a gym bunny looking for a minimal-equipment, home-training solution.
No matter who you are, where you’re starting from or what you’re looking to achieve on your wellness journey – bounti’s got you, and you’ve got this!
bounti Foundation Programme
Introducing, the bounti Foundation Programme! If even the Beginners Programme feels a bit too intimidating, and you’re overwhelmed by it, then this is the programme for you. This programme is ideal for someone who wants to start from the absolute grassroots of rebounding. It’s a 4-week programme – all done online, on our beautiful e-learning platform.
It’s recommended for you if you:
- Are a bit older
- Have an autoimmune disease
- Are recovering from a pregnancy
- Are recovering from an injury or illness
- Are very unfit
You don’t need much – only your rebounder, light dumbbells (0.5 kg - 1 kg), a small loop band, a soft ball and a great mindset.
Over the 4 weeks, you will start with a 2 minute workout that will slowly progress to 20 minutes in the 4th week.
My guidance during the sessions is really supportive and ensures that you are slowly and carefully immersed into the sensations of rebounding. Similarly to our beginners programme, it has an intro video at the beginning of each week telling you what to expect, the basics of rebounding, safety guides and tips & tricks.
You will be following me, not the crazy beats of a fast-paced song, because the focus here is on coordination, balance, orientation, form and safety. There isn’t a huge emphasis on too wide a range of movement or hectic music. I want you to slowly, and consistently, grow your confidence levels over the 4 weeks. It’s all about building a solid foundation when it comes to rebounding – with a huge focus on technique. This programme starts you right from the absolute basics of, not just rebounding, but fitness as a whole.
This programme is also amazing if you want to utilise rebounding strictly from a wellness aspect rather than a fitness or strength aspect. The basic exercises in this programme are still excellent in circulating your lymph and releasing toxins from the body.
With that being said, these workouts are perfect to do if you just want to stay active throughout a day of working at home – perhaps if you have a rebounder next to your desk and you want to take a bit of a breather from sitting in front of your laptop. The Foundation Programme is perfect to use as little ‘exercise snacks’ throughout the day.
Hopefully, this programme provides you with the right push you need to simply get on a rebounder and start somewhere. If you’re looking to start your journey with bounti from grassroots to pro, this programme is the perfect precursor to the Beginner's Programme.
bounti Beginner's Programme
If you’re new to rebounding and looking for a step-by-step guide to get you started, my at-home bounti Beginner's Programme is an effective 8-week rebounding course, designed to take you from newbie to pro in no time!
If you don’t know how to utilise your rebounder to get the most out of it, then this is the programme for you. Allow me to teach you how to use your rebounder to exercise properly and reap the maximum benefits.
Whether you’ve had a rebounder for ages, you’ve just bought a rebounder, you’re a complete fitness newbie or you’re super fit, but completely new to rebounding – we’ve got you.
This programme includes an intro video before each week to tell you what to expect. These videos include everything you could possibly need to know, from the workout changes to what to wear. This is so that you’re as safe and educated as possible.
From there, I teach you all the basics, from how to stand on your rebounder correctly, all the way to the techniques of different moves. You’ll only need some basic equipment, such as 1 kg dumbbells, a long resistance band, a small Pilates ball and a mat.
My goal with this programme is to get you started slowly, and build your rebounding fitness in a way that is gradual and enjoyable! Starting a workout programme that is way too difficult from the get-go, isn’t enjoyable for anyone. Starting from a manageable, but still reasonably challenging level, means that you’re more likely to stick to it - and your body will thank you for it!
The 8-week programme is broken up into 56 at-home rebounding sessions, with 1 session per day for 7 days a week. Week 1 starts with 10 minutes each day. The daily amount of minutes increases by 5, week by week, until week 5. From there, the daily time will be increased by 10 minutes each week until week 8. By the end of week 8, you should be able to do a full 60 minutes of rebounding.
Please know that, just like anything new, rebounding is not going to be easy in the beginning. It’s a skill that you need to work on regularly in order to improve. With time, it will feel easier – I promise that the benefits are worth every minute! Stick with it and trust me. I’ll hold your hand the whole way through!
I can guarantee that, if you do this programme properly, you’ll see so many improvements in your body, health, energy and mental wellbeing. You will end as a completely new, happy and healthy human being!
You can also expect exclusive tutorials sent directly to your inbox with the following info:
- The (many) benefits of rebounding
- How to set up and maintain your rebounder
- A guide on the basic pieces of equipment you’ll need for the duration of the programme and why we use them
- Workout tips and tricks to get the most out of your time on your rebounder
- Videos on weekly progressions that we will do together so that you understand all the whys and hows
bounti Re-Set Programme
The Re-Set Programme is the ultimate, goal-oriented workout and eating plan that combines rebounding, and a delicious, nutritious diet to transform you and get you back on top. Re-set your goals, revive your health and bounce back with us!
We understand that so many of you are facing health and lifestyle challenges due to working from home, fears related to the pandemic, and recovering from this virus. Let’s get you back on track, and in the best condition you’ve ever been!
This programme is complete with varied workouts, and incredible recipes. Get ready for 12 weeks of transformation!
This programme includes a beautiful Mediterranean eating plan, with tips in each recipe on how to make them more plant-based or vegan, depending on what your preference is. The recipes within the eating plan are scattered in a way that ensures you are eating regularly throughout the day with lots of variety in your diet. Lots of the meals are also great to cook in bulk and freeze over time. I promise that they will be easy to prepare, irrespective of your cooking skills.
On the exercise front, there’s a huge content drop at the beginning of each week, with 6 new workouts – both rebounding and non-rebounding. You can do 1 workout a day, with the 7th day being allowed for active rest, like going for a walk or doing some restorative exercise like yoga, Pilates or stretching.
On two of the days, you’ll be doing some strength training, with one day set for upper body and another for lower body. The other 3 days consist of rebounding exercise! The best part is that these workouts are brand new every week, meaning that you get 72 never-before-seen workouts to keep you on your toes.
Let’s change small bad habits, one at a time. Over a long time period, I promise they’ll add up! Remember, balance makes perfect and we’re all human. It’s okay to have a treat meal and a rest day here and there – just remember not to give up and to always get back on the wagon.
Small changes are more sustainable, reap amazing results and really make a difference if you keep them consistent. What are you waiting for? Here’s your giant reset button to turn it all around.
bounti BEAT Programme
Are you looking for an uplifting, challenging, totally guided 12-week programme that centres on all the principles of rebounding, combined with the expression of dancing? Well, look no further!
Tertia D, trained dancer and beloved bounti instructor, will take you through a programme that builds week by week to complete the choreography of 20 songs! Just like dance classes – layer by layer! With each class, you add a little bit more detail.
Join Tertia as she adds dumbbells, silicone wrist weights, ankle weights, a body bar, a mini Pilates ball and resistance bands to make sure you break a sweat while you bust a move.
bounti BEAT is Tertia D’s presentation of a full body, dance-inspired, 50 to 60 minute class that is so cleverly disguised as FUN, you might just forget that you’re also working on your coordination and balance, whilst stretching, strengthening and toning!
The bounti BEAT Programme consists of 36 bounti BEAT workouts over 12 weeks, each from 55 minutes to an hour. These balanced workout routines are designed to build to the ultimate performance!
Tertia will also present bonus videos that include safety information, stretch routines and an introduction video at the beginning of each week. By the end of the 12 weeks, the dance moves come together with the completion of 20 choreographed songs, from start to finish. The final class is like a concert: a 1 hour and 15 minute-long marathon class with all that you have learned.
Are you ready to step out on stage, from the comfort of your own home? Sign up for the 12-week bounti Beat Programme! …5, 6, 7, 8!
bounti HIIT Programme
High-Intensity Interval Training is all about working as hard as possible, really pushing your body, getting those heart rates up and burning as many calories as possible within a short time span. With only 36 minutes on the clock, this rebounding programme is incredibly time-efficient and super effective.
We have 12 workouts in our first series – all of them are 36 minutes long with a 3 to 4 minute long warm-up. The warm-up is obviously much easier than the rest of the workout. It just gets the blood flowing from head to toe, includes some dynamic stretches, and loosens up the joints and muscles so that they’re ready for lots of hard work.
We then start the HIIT session, where we train hard and fast. With my guidance, you’ll know exactly what you need to do for each song and what equipment you’ll need. I’ll also tell you how many sets and reps to do. We’ll do lots of hard work for about 5 to 6 songs before the cool down.
The cool down is around 3 minutes long, to a slower song. It includes static stretches and deep breaths where we really lower our heart rates and recover.
Although they all have the same structure and framework, all the workouts throughout the programme differ in terms of their playlists, warm-ups & cool downs, combinations of moves and required equipment.
All the workouts are completely full-body, without a specific order to follow. You can do whichever, whenever!
If you are slightly newer to the co-ord side of rebounding or you prefer the simpler moves, you’d probably enjoy following Mandla. For an intermediate session, with lighter weights and slightly easier movement variations, follow Lisa G. If you are slightly more advanced, fitter and more proficient on a rebounder, you can follow me – I’ll be doing more challenging, complex moves with heavier weights.
Whether you’re a rebounding fanatic like me, a runner, a cyclist or a cross-fitter, I would recommend adding 1 to 2 HIIT workouts per week to your training regime. It’s extremely beneficial to do a shorter, more intense workout once in a while to really push your body – especially because HIIT on a rebounder is all the intensity, minus the impact, injury risk and strain.
A lot of people get stuck on one fitness modality without realising how important it is to move your body in different ways. For the best results, remember to keep switching it up. Our bodies are masters at adapting, so if they get too used to one thing, your progress may hit a plateau. Add some variety to your training regime and keep your body guessing. Come on, let’s HIIT it out!
Click HERE to read more about the benefits of HIIT training and the bounti HIIT Programme.
bounti boga Programme
Yogi Paige (Cassidy) is an ex-ballerina, qualified bounti instructor and highly-acclaimed yoga guide, who now brings you the boga programme!
boga is a world-first programme that blends ‘bounti’ and ‘yoga’. It seamlessly combines yoga with bounti movements – on a rebounder, of course. One of the key principles that this programme focuses on is the power of the mind in movement.
Your wonderful instructor, Paige, will take you on a 12-week journey, teaching you how to connect your mind with your body and become your own biggest motivator.
With this programme, Paige aims to bring powerful insights into your own physical and psychological barriers, unlocking your potential as you rewind and reconnect, both on and off your rebounder.
boga is entirely different from your typical, familiar bounti workout. It’s more of a mind, body and soul workout, with each class being designed to help you to get out of your head, realise the power of the mind and build unbelievable strength that resonates in every aspect of your life.
The programme starts off with an introduction, which includes some basics and tips & tricks, and slowly progresses into movements that become more and more challenging. Although the workouts gradually become harder, they still maintain enough repetition to keep you comfortable.
Over the 12 weeks, the programme will include 3 sessions per week, however, you would have access for 20 weeks. The lengths of classes vary within the programme. Each session, we switch it up, with some rebounding exercise, some yoga flow, stretching, relaxation and meditation.
This programme has extra emphasis on the mental wellness aspect of movement that is so intricately intertwined with yoga – it’s all about developing the psyche through movement, and establishing a mind-body connection.
The aim of boga is to make it your time to reconnect with your body, unwind and relax completely. Yogi Paige’s goal is to help you understand your true power and guide you on your evolution to being yourself, authentically and unapologetically.
Welcome to yoga flow on a rebounder – for the first time EVER!
Click HERE to read more about the bounti boga Programme and the benefits of yoga.
bounti POUNCE Programme
POUNCE is ‘Pilates’ with a ‘bounce’ – your perfect mix of rebounding and Pilates. Join instructor, Kendra Blake, as she takes you on a journey that combines the two exercise modalities in a way she’s exceptionally passionate about.
The aim of this programme is to introduce you to the 10 core principles of Pilates, so that by the end, you’re able to combine the principles and repertoire of Pilates into your rebounding routine to compliment a full body, low impact and restorative workout.
Over the course of 12 weeks (although you will be able to access the programme for 20 weeks), you will focus on 1 core Pilates principle per week, with 3 sessions per week. You’ll start off using body weight, but as the weeks progress, Kendra will add complexity with accessories like dumbbells, resistance bands and – the age-old favourite of many Pilates enthusiasts – the magic circle.
Kendra starts off the programme with a week that focuses on alignment specifically, and ends the programme with an integration of all the principles into a full Pilates workout on the rebounder.
This means that every week, you’ll progress, not only from one principle to the next, but also in complexity and intensity. The aim is to create a full-body, holistic workout – but don’t worry, we’ll start slowly!
Click HERE to learn even more about bounti POUNCE, Pilates & the benefits thereof.
bounti Stretch Programme
This programme is for anyone and everyone who is looking to incorporate more stretching into their daily physical fitness and wellness regime.
bounti Stretch is such a valuable addition / augment to our rebounding workouts, any of our other bounti programmes, or any other exercise modality. This is the programme that absolutely everyone should have access to!
Join Tertia D. as she takes you on a 6-week journey from 5 to 30 minutes of stretching. She will teach you form, breath work and how to get the most out of your stretch routines.
Tertia is a professional dancer, personal trainer, yogi and one of our most beloved bounti instructors! To this programme she brings, not only her impressive talent, serene demeanour and inspiring attitude, but - most importantly - her passion.
This programme can be used progressively - you can build yourself up from 5 to 30 minutes of stretching as a way to gradually improve your flexibility. However, each of the stretch sessions can also be treated as independent 'stand-alones' that you select depending on what part of your body you would like to focus on, or the amount of time you have available to squeeze in a session.
The programme includes a variety of sessions that stretch the upper, lower and full body. The full, 30-minute stretch sessions are perfect for your rest days, or when you’re feeling a bit sluggish and want to move your body in a gentle way.
Although it may sound daunting, once you start, I promise your body will love you for it! As you stretch repeatedly, your muscles will start to get better and better at it. Eventually, you will be able to hold your stretches longer and deeper than ever before.
For those of you who unavoidably sit more than you should, have a lot of tension in your body, and/or suffer with sciatic pain, this programme will be especially life-changing. Some of our stretches include a desk stretch, ideal for the office, as well as a couch stretch, which is ideal for movie breaks, or while you’re waiting for Netflix to load.
Our goal with this programme is to, not only make stretching something enjoyable and calming, but also a consistent habit. It’s truly so beneficial for your body, and should be an integral part of any holistic fitness or wellness regime.
All you will need for this programme are a few accessories to make it as comfortable as possible. We tried to make the equipment for this one as minimalistic as we could, so you can do it anywhere!
For this programme, you will need:
- Your rebounder
- A soft yoga mat to cushion your joints
- Resistance band
- bounti Soles or bounti Socks – for extra grip
- Comfortable clothing that you can move in freely to give you a full range of motion
By the end of this programme, we hope that you can relax a little easier, breathe a little deeper and stretch a little further!
Click HERE to learn more about the bounti Stretch Programme and the benefits of stretch.
Beginner bounti SCULPT Programme
Join the incredible Steph B for our Beginner bounti SCULPT Programme, where she’ll take you through a comprehensive layering of techniques, equipment and coordination, which incorporate rebounding with more of a Pilates feel – at a foundational level.
Please note that although this is the foundation level of SCULPT, the beginner workout is suitable for all levels of fitness, providing enough of a challenge for even advanced students. It’s recommended that those at an advanced level take on this beginner’s programme first in order to broaden their fitness knowledge, and get better results in the intermediate and advanced levels, as well as within their current workout plans.
Steph adds the elements of control, balance, mobility, core work and alignment, with strong focus on good technique, to ensure that you are confident with moving your body in the most efficient and effective ways – limiting injury and maximising your overall results.
- The 10 Beginner SCULPT workouts include a variety of different, dynamic exercises, including standing, kneeling, lying down (supine and prone) and seated both on and off the rebounder.
- Each class focuses on moving the body in a 3-dimensional way (forward and back, side-to-side and in twisting/rotational movement), using a variety of light pieces of equipment.
- Controlled movements are also used a lot to effectively activate and recruit a variety of muscles, focusing on lengthening and toning.
Equipment remains light and minimal, and movements remain simple as the focus is primarily on creating and developing a better mind-body connection. All you'll need is:
- 0.5kg Hand Weights
- Mini Pilates Ball with grip
- Loop Bands (light resistance and medium resistance)
- High-Density Foam Mat
These 10 beginner workouts will ensure greater confidence in overall movement with ongoing reminders taken from the basic Pilates principles, including:
- Breathing
- The pelvic floor and pelvic placement
- Abdominal muscle recruitment
- Scapular stabilisation
- Rib cage placement
- Movement from the neck in both flexion and extension exercises
An all-encompassing programme, that makes exercise fun and brings real, sustainable results, no matter your level of fitness. Join Steph for high-energy, yet restorative rebounding sessions that will definitely leave you feeling worked out!
Click HERE to learn more about bounti SCULPT.
The bounti BODY Programme
bounti BODY is a progressive 8-week programme designed to get sedentary teenagers, aged 13 to 18, up and active again!
In this programme, qualified bounti instructor, Cait, takes teens on an 8-week journey to get them familiar and comfortable with rebounding. They will start rebounding for 15 minutes a day, for 5 days per week. They slowly progress, with the workouts gradually becoming longer and more challenging, incorporating minimal equipment, which includes:
- A rebounder
- A small Pilates ball
- 0.5kg Dumbbells
- 2kg Body Bar
- Long Resistance Band
- Mini Loop Resistance Band
- Exercise Mat
By the end of the 8 weeks, they should be able to do a full, well-rounded 45-minute rebounding session! Cait also ends every bounti BODY session with a set of powerful affirmations that’s sure to leave your teenager feeling motivated, confident and empowered.
Click HERE to learn more about bounti BODY.
bounti LEVEL UP Programme
Welcome to the big leagues! Take your rebounding up an even higher notch with my incredible bounti LEVEL UP Rebounding Programme.
The bounti LEVEL UP Programme really adds that extra dimension to your rebounding workouts, provided that you’ve already established a substantial foundation of rebounding fitness. If you’ve plateaued in your fitness or results, this programme is the one for you!
This programme was a tough one to put together… It took me 6 months to shoot! I really gave it my all to make sure that it’s constantly challenging you, and switching it up to keep your body guessing.
Our bodies are masters at adaptation, so doing too much of the same won’t continue bringing you the results you want.
bounti LEVEL UP:
- Switches it up every day to keep your body guessing
- Constantly challenges you
- Helps you see consistent results and progress
- Will build and boost your metabolism (due to increased lean muscle tissue)
- Improves your overall coordination, strength and physical toning
- Greatly enhances your cardiovascular fitness
What's included in bounti LEVEL UP?
- Day 1 : A balanced, 50-minute lower-body workout, focussing on the detail of the legs.
- Day 2 : Flow workout, including basic moves done in a sequence, broken up into 3 parts first done with the right side of your body, then 3 parts done on your left, and eventually both sides of the body combined. Enjoy stamina at its best with this 45-minute workout!
- Day 3 : A balanced, 50-minute upper-body workout, focussing on the detail of the arms.
- Day 4 : A 60-minute, full-body workout that includes a combination of legs, flow, arms and incorporates the core.
Your purchase gives you 16 weeks of access to this dynamic, 8-week Programme.
Although LEVEL UP was a tough one, seeing the final product makes all of my hard work, not to mention my team’s elbow grease, so worth it. Seeing the changes that my body went through while shooting LEVEL UP was also incredible – I definitely got a lot fitter, leaner and stronger shooting this programme myself! I’m definitely really proud of this one.
Push yourself, step it up and make the effort to make it count. Remember, progress begins outside of your comfort zone, so get ready to level up with bounti LEVEL UP!
bounti BOP Programme
Bust a move with bounti BOP! These fun-filled, 30-minute dance-based rebounding workouts are aimed towards getting boys and girls, between the ages of 6 to 12 years old, dancing and jiving to all the recent tunes!
Get your kids active, moving and in-tune with their bodies, without it feeling like a workout. These progressive bounti BOP classes start off teaching kids specific rebounding dance moves, and then progress to teaching them complete choreographed songs. These workouts don’t require any accessories or equipment, just a rebounder!
Rebounding with bounti BOP may enhance and improve your child’s:
- Coordination
- Fitness
- Cardiovascular health
- Proprioception
- Musicality and dance abilities
These classes are designed in a way that is fun and funky, keeping the children engaged, motivated and active for the entire duration. Add some boogie to your bounce… rebounding has never been this much fun!