New mom, Tracey, admits that rebounding saved her life after her daughter was born, and she’s never looked back!
"After my daughter was born almost 3 years ago, I struggled with postpartum depression and it never really subsided. I was unable to lose the weight that I had gained. I was drinking 2 glasses of wine a night, sleeping during the day and Uber Eats became my best friend.
My doctor told me if I carried on with my lifestyle, I would more than likely have diabetes in my 40's.
When my friend suggested rebounding with Lisa Raleigh, I had no idea what or who either were. Having never placed any value on exercise I thought it would be something to try as how hard could it be?
Tracey's rebounding journey
To say that I struggled in my first rebounding class would be a huge understatement. I spent more time off the rebounder than on it! People often ask me what made me go to a second class after the first one had been so tough, and my answer is that it must have been grace. During the first few weeks I had such a release of emotion (and toxins) that I shed a few tears while bouncing. I still sometimes shed a tear or two!
After about 2 weeks of rebounding I noticed a marked improvement in my energy levels, I wasn’t so irritable and wasn’t looking for any opportunity to have a nap.
After about a month, my Tanita results showed that my fat index had dropped by 5.2%. I knew that my body was working hard during the classes, but I did not expect these drastic results in such a short amount of time. This was the tipping point for me, I made a commitment to myself to rebound at least 3 times a week, I thought about what I was eating or drinking before consuming as it didn’t make sense to detox during these sessions only to put rubbish in my body afterwards, I consulted with Lisa in a one-on-one, and she clearly interpreted my DNA Diet and Sport results. I was motivated.
CLICK HERE for more information on DNA and preventative wellness!
Where Tracey is now
It's now almost 6 months later, and I can say with confidence that rebounding has changed my life. I realise today that it has been many years that I have felt lethargic and unhealthy. It's only now with this renewed sense of well-being that I know that this had been my norm.
I make conscious healthier choices and decisions in all aspects of my life and positive things continue to snowball. Rebounding been the catalyst for many new exciting doors opening in my life. I eat healthier and have started to cook dinners for my family – something I never thought I would do. I am learning about superfoods and the remarkable power that food can have on our body.
I still experience anxiety at times, but now that I exercise, I find it so much easier to bounce back.
ALSO READ: 46 more benefits of rebounding
I encourage anyone reading this who wants to make a shift in their life to reach out to Lisa and give both her, and rebounding, a chance. Lisa is patient, non-judgmental and, most importantly, realistic around changes that you can make in your life: to quote what she told me “I won’t set you up to fail before you have even started”.
She has an excellent team that's always on standby to help wherever they can. She has become my go-to person in all things good for you as I know that she has thoroughly researched any advice she dispenses - I trust her completely."
Click here to buy a rebounder and start YOUR bounti journey today!