Intermediate Programme


Looking to take your rebounding up a notch? This beautiful and highly curated programme is for YOU! The perfect bridge between our bounti Beginners Programme 2.0 and the advanced bounti LEVEL UP Programme!

This totally guided, progressive 6-week programme has been created with lots of love, thought and effort. Each workout, and the entire structure of the programme (SEE BELOW) as a whole, have been created with the powerful principles of exercise science! Each workout carefully designed to yield results and help you progress. It essentially teaches you how to master and perfect all the bounti fundamentals at an intermediate level!

With a generous access period of 20 weeks, we encourage you to revisit this programme and really utilise it to its full potential in taking you to that next level! From challenges to increasing the BPM of the music you’re bouncing to, upping the equipment, and including more advanced techniques, every aspect of this programme has been created to challenge and push you onwards and upwards!

NOTE: This Intermediate programme is available separately and also within the Life of bounti Subscription!

What equipment will you need for this programme?

Equipment introduced:

  • A pair of Weighted Gloves (optional to increase resistance)
  • A set of Cordless Skipping Ropes
  • A set of Ankle Weights
  • A Hydroball or Halo Weight

Other equipment included:

  • A light set of dumbbells (1 to 2kgs)
  • A heavy set of dumbbells (3 to 5kgs)
  • A set of Mini-Loop Resistance Bands
  • Fabric Booty Band
  • Weighted Body Bar (in a weight of your choice)
  • Long Resistance Band
  • Mini Pilates Ball
  • An exercise mat

How is this programme structured?
This bounti Intermediate Programme takes you on a progressive, 6-week journey; with 4 sessions per week. Includes a total of 24 workouts; 11 of which are led by Jono, another 11 are led by Anika, and 2 sessions are shared, featuring both trainers.

The first 3 sessions included in each week will focus on the following:

  1. Balancing push and pull exercises for your upper body, and varying your approach in doing so in each workout session.
  2. Exercises that work the front (anterior) and back (posterior) muscles of your lower body, and changing how you train these muscles in each workout session.
  3. An element of core training will be included in each session.
  4. A cardio / Tabata / skipping element will be included in each session.
  5. There will also be 1-2 songs dedicated to improving rebounding form and co-ordination (FLOW-style) in each session.

The 4th session of each week will be a full-body workout that blends all of the varying mechanisms executed during the week into practice!

NOTE: Feel free to structure and cross-pollinate your intermediate workouts with sessions from our bounti Stretch, boga, Sculpt and POUNCE Programmes on your “rest days”, as these programmes include lower-intensity workouts that are perfect for active rest days and recovery. (Reminder: All these programmes affordably available via the single Life of bounti Subscription)

Weekly Challenges Within the Programme:
The 4th session of each week will also include special challenges that have been established at the beginning of the programme. The goal is for you to improve on these challenges throughout the programme, so that by the end of the 6 weeks, a noticeable and measurable progression is achieved!

We also encourage you to increase the weight of equipment used as the weeks progress, and revisit the entire programme to improve your performance. These challenges include the following:

  1. Push-Up Challenge (strength focus): Here, difficulty is increased each week, either by the number of reps executed or the amount of time you are able to continue the song. The goal here is to increase the range of motion in your push-ups, or shift from a knee-supported push-up to a full body-weight push-up!
  2. Squat “Bring Sally Up” Challenge (strength endurance focus): Difficulty is increased by improving the length of time you’re able to continue before needing a break (the aim is to get through the entire routine without any breaks), or by adding a weighted accessory to the exercise (e.g. a weighted bar).
  3. Skipping Rope Challenge (cardio endurance focus): Difficulty is increased every 2 weeks by adding additional movements and lengthening the duration of the song.
  4. Core Challenge (strength endurance focus): Difficulty is increased by taking fewer breaks throughout the song, or by adding weight in form of varying pieces of equipment (including ankle weights).
  5. Flow Challenge (coordination and general rebounding ability focus): Difficulty is increased each week by adding movements onto the Flow routine learned each week, mirroring the routine on both sides of the body (right vs. left), and increasing the speed through gradually lifting the bpm (beats per minute) of the song each week. Two songs are used each week.

A special word from Jono and Anika…

“…And through!

Always remember that accountability with kindness is the absolute key to consistency. Be kind to yourselves, invest in the process wholeheartedly, and have the most fun! Only within that, can you truly allow the room to hold yourself accountable, create consistency, and challenge yourself to go to that “difficult” place. It is only in that challenging zone that change truly occurs, so embrace it with open arms, and remember that when it gets hard, that’s when your work truly starts! You can do this. You are awesome. Go team.” – Jono

“Our bodies are truly amazing! Each one created differently, enabling us to move, express, work and love with joy! I think this programme is a labour of love. Created and curated by people with a passion for movement and a heart for others. We had so much fun making this, and I truly hope that the vibe motivates you every day to move and give it your all. May there be physical gains, but also mental and emotional success.

Be kind and patient with yourself, push hard and be disciplined, but most of all… Have fun! Grab your towel, have your water handy and let’s get cracking!” – Anika